The successful candidate will demonstrate a commitment to interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives.
Faculty members at Northland are professionally active scholarswho participate in departmental and campus-wide activities to enhance their disciplines,promote interdisciplinary discourse and collaboration, and advance the college mission.
The college is committed to reflecting a diversity of perspectives and backgroundsamongst its administrators, faculty, and staff.
Examples of Duties:
Provide classroom skills and instruction.
Deliver instruction using a variety of methods including on-site, online and/orhybrid-blended for a wide range of students, including traditional, developmental,adult, concurrent enrollment and English-language learners.
Conduct classroom research and other assessment/evaluation activities.
Mentor and advise students.
Maintain consistent communication with students through office hours, email, andtelephone.
Plan, develop, and deliver curriculum.
Support the mission, vision, and core values of Northland Community andTechnical College.
Engage in professional development activities.
Promote diversity and cultural competency.
Perform other duties as assigned.